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It had been released on region-free Dvd movie and Blu-ráy in Japan ón April 2, 2016, the U.T. The 2nd film, Perseverance ( 決意, Ketsui), had been launched in Japan on Masimply because properly as Germany ánd Austria on Come july 1st 2, 2017. On Might 16, 2017, the UK on Might 22, 2017, Down under on July 19, 2017, and Germany on September 7, 2017. It had been released on Dvd movie and Blu-ráy in Japan ón December 18, 2015, the U.T. The initial film, Reunion ( 再会, Saikai), was released in Japan ón November 21, 2015, Indonesia on August 3, 2016, North North america on September 15, 2016, and Germany and Austria on May 21, 2017. Celebrating the 15th wedding anniversary of 's franchise, the six-part collection acts as a immediate sequel to the very first two television collection, and. (: デジモンアドベンチャーtri.,: Déjimon Adobenchā Torai) is a Japanese journey created. Released Novem(Part 1) Ma(Part 2) Septem(Part 3) Febru(Component 4) S(Component 5) (Component 6) Runtime 86 a few minutes (Part 1) 84 moments (Component 2) 101 a few minutes (Component 3) 78 minutes (Component 4) 85 moments (Part 5) 98 minutes (Part 6) Movies 6 Related functions.